eurythmy in canada
~ events in 2025 ~
~ events in 2024 ~
~ events in 2023 ~
Contact CoCo Verspoor: for more details.
~ events in 2022 ~
A Spring Eurythmy Concert
The Robert Gill Theatre, in the University of Toronto Building at College and St George, is the Theatre and Dance departments' fully equipped intimate stage, just right for downtown Toronto's first Eurythmy performance in ages!
The program opens with a brief demonstration of techniques of this unique art of movement, to open the audience’s experience for what follows. A strongly curated selection of small lyrical poems and beautiful music, presented in solo performances, surround two trios, stanzas edited from the gorgeous ‘Skylark' by Shelley, and a final tune to hum all the way home.
Etsuko Kimura, assistant concertmaster of the TSO, supports the eurythmy with her brilliant interpretation of Bach Solo Violin pieces. Anne Marie Kopp, superb flutist retired from the TSO, plays Debussy’s Syrinx and a spotlight solo. The recitalist Kim Kendrick contributes her voice in song and such colourful recitation that our poetry springs to life in pictures painted through eurythmic choreography.
The musicians are world class. the eurythmists have prepared energetically, the pieces are uplifting and the costume colours are beautiful. Please join us for what we hope will be a memorable artistic experience.
Contact for details.
Contact for details.
Women’s Eurythmy Dress Pattern
A paper pattern is available for the Dornach Eurythmy Dress for women . The dress is made with french seams, a bias neck band and placket back. Please send your request to The charge is $18 to duplicate the pattern plus Canada Post mailing costs for an 11 x 17 envelope.
- events in 2021 -
Contact Lois: or Galina: for details
~ events in 2020 ~
Advent Celebration in Eurythmy
Experience the inner light of Advent
through eurythmy
as we bring you works by
Steiner, Beethoven, Gluck and others.
Sunday, Dec 20th at 3 pm
105 Toronto Street, Barrie, Ontario
Admission by donation.
Please reserve - limited space - contact
Cynthia at 705-242-0105
Art of Eurythmy in Barrie 2020
Starting October 17th, please join us each Saturday at 3 pm, for a series of five eurythmy classes to mitigate the strains and drains of technology with living creative forces. We will delve into the insightful and poetic verses Rudolf Steiner gave for each week of the year.
105 Toronto St. Barrie, ON
Fee: $65 for five sessions
Please register in advance by phone: 705 242 0105
or email:
~ class size limited to seven ~
Natura Medical Arts Centre
105 Toronto Str., Barrie, Ontario
“Michaelmas gales assail the waning year, And Michael’s scale is true, his blade is bright…” M. Guite
Please join us for a brief, festive time of Music, Eurythmy, and the Spoken Word. Eurythmists from Barrie and Toronto are joined by Grant Davis, and other contributors. After the Branch meeting, at 4 PM. Refreshments to follow.
Space is limited, so please RSVP to Cynthia Gelder at:
Donations to cover costs.
Eurythmy: an art of gesture, form, color and movement developed by Rudolf Steiner and the ongoing work of eurythmists.
Eurythmy has two wellsprings: speech and music. In speech eurythmy we become a visible speech organism; in music eurythmy we sing with our whole being. In neither case does the eurythmist speak or sing audibly. Instead, while a speaker speaks or a musician plays our whole gesture-being is poured into what is audible and the process of creating the audible. Everything that lies in speech and music formation has the potential to find expression in eurythmy, including the deeper sources of human expression beyond the physical. Parallel with a professional approach to music and speech, there are three main aspects to eurythmy: the artistic, the pedagogical and the therapeutic.
The Eurythmy Association of North America (EANA) has information on professional eurythmy courses, trainings, publications, jobs and performances. They publish two newsletters per year.
Eurythmy can be used therapeutically by a trained practitioner, generally in conjuction with a doctor trained in anthroposophically extended medicine. Practitioners first complete a eurythmy training, a full-time four year program, and then take the therapeutic eurythmy training. ATHENA is the acronym for the Association for Therapeutic Eurythmy in North America. Their website has further information, resources and practitioners.
Banner and Gallery photos: Lucas Bois. Taken at the 100 Years of Eurythmy Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2013, the shots include professional groups, graduating eurythmy students from Peru, high school students and amateur groups. A full selection of photographs is found in the Gallery.
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